
I love Drupal! With over 15 years of experience and active involvement in its community, I value its open-source software philosophy. Despite its remarkable improvements, Drupal faces perception problems due to dated opinions and issues with past versions. Educating the misinformed and emphasizing new features will improve its perception, strengthening Drupal as a household name in the digital space.
For me the introduction of the Starshot initiative raised concerns about a potential divide in the community and not going far enough into the no code space. However, further exploration revealed that Starshot is not a separate version of Drupal but an enhancement built on Drupal Core. Features such as Recipes, Experience Manager, and Project Browser aim to simplify site building and encourage community growth. Making it seem that Starshot could deliver on the promise made to support Ambitious Site Builders.

At this year's DrupalCon North America, EPAM Solution Architect John Picozzi presented a talk about the importance of non-code contribution. He talked about how everyone can get involved and why he believes this is an important topic. This article is a text adaptation of John's talk; find a link below to a video recording of the complete presentation at DrupalCon.

These class notes are for my Configuration Management Basics Training. This training was last given at Drupal Govcon as a half day training. These class notes can be used to get started with Drupal Configuration Management.